All Posted Jobs
Create a fan page for you and get 50 likes for you in 2 days
by rsrikanth080    
I will Promote your YouTube videos, manage your YouTube account (s) for a day or a week or a month. Working 2 hours daily
by rsrikanth080    
Create a youtube account, manage it also post and remove unwanted comments also get followers and likes.
by dsglittergirl24    
Give you 2000 like in 3 days
by h47h7    
Comment on your profile and or video !
by Tomairangi    
Student Social Media Admin: Twitter
by jakedesormeaux    
Manage your Pinterest Account
by adiestree    
Set-up you a youtube channel and upload two videos
by rsrikanth080    
Maintain/update your FACEBOOK account
by ambermjones    
Manage your Twitter
by alenkapjc    
by jekessaaj    
Create Business Start Up Account, Manage and provide Advice for everything Twitter
by @thiene    
Set-up your account in 6 SOCIAL NETWORKING sites and promote your product for a day
by rsrikanth080    
subscribe to your youtube channel
by fonpao13    
Comment On Facebook Pages And Invite 50 audience to the page.
by MJ    
I will give you 25 squidoo like, also for an extra $20 i will give you 25 comments to be put on your lens.
by JeffreyWicks    
I will open facebook accounts, upload pictures,and manage you account
by akuviagbeko    
Manage your Facebook account
by wahidjapen    
Manage existing or create twitter & facebook account/s for your business.
by Cher    
Get you likes on Facebook
by gpkish28