Latest Posted Jobs in Facebook
Set-up your facebook account
by ishanfar    
Add 1000 likes to your page
by NadiahJaapar    
Post  Cool photos and Funny Images rapidly for an hour
by adhil    
Set up a full facebook page including cover and profile photo
by adhil    
by ADDMOND    
Create, manage and promote your business in Facebook for 2 days
by tulsijaga786    
Get you 200 Facebook friends
by bbundy134    
Create a fashion page for your clothing store
by AliciaUndrea    
I will pin your website links of promotions and all products and services to my Facbook blog page for 3 days
Get you 50 likes and followers from REAL people
by taybyrd    
Help you in anyway I can with your social media needs!
by bribraz9312    
Do any jobs on Facebook and please give me a chance to start a job with you, per hour
Do everyting on facebook
by joaomalheiro3    
Create a Facebook page and Twitter , Youtube accounts and manage existing accounts
by NajmAL-DeenEisa    
Post on facebook
by soyom009    
Do any jobs on facebook, i wil help your business by creating and maintaining your account
by prem    
Run Facebook ads in 5 days that will build your email list
by DanEwah    
Create and manage a facebook and post daily
by bebowassef    
Make A Facebook EVENT For Any Promotion Your Business Is Having
by FrancisKD    
Create an account on any social media site and take care of it for a day