Latest Posted Jobs in Facebook
Manage your Facebook and Twitter account  daily
by Georgeweg    
Share your facebook online and increase your audience with in days
by agatha.dxb    
Create account for pinterest facebook and twitter
by gpkish28    
Design a proffessional header, banner, facebook timeline photo
by JeffreyWicks    
Give you 1000 Likes to any photo or post
by JeffreyWicks    
Post  updates on your facebook page  three times a day
by Rudo    
Create Facebook page and 50 likes
by MadihaShahzadi    
I will be your social media manager for $25 per hour
by smm333    
Admin to Facebook Groups
by Kimmy85    
Will create and operate a Facebook page for you 24/7, 365!
by AshleyMeissen    
SOcial Media Manager
by jmhsocialmedia    
Manage your facebook and twitter account
by SargentReginald    
Create an account for you on 5 different Social Media platforms
by alomgir    
Will manage ur facebook account
by Elance    
Give you the best deal with creating a facebook, twitter, Linkedin and youtube account and manage them for the first month
by LudovicAngeline    
Set up a facebook page or group for business
I will open a Facebook Account for your business
by JewelsCaudle    
Set up joint Twitter and Facebook Accounts
by AlecBrown    
Set-up you account in  Facebook , Google+ ,Youtube , Twitter , LinkedIn , Pinterest only
by rsrikanth080    
Create your personalized fb cover with ur catch phrase or quote
by Fizzrana