Latest Posted Jobs in Facebook
Create a facebook account and fan page
by socialmedia890    
Create your page and maitain your popularity for week
by Nathalie85    
Create a Facebook account page advertising, manage, posting status 100 times, respond to customers, fun videos, get likes and followers as you want for your business, to let people get to know your business even more better.
Manage you account for a month, comments, post, updates, replays, and more
by Chel378    
Send 10 humorous status updates for a great facebook page
by Irene    
Create a Facebook Page for you
by Kaseyc    
Create facebook and instagram accounts and post , upload , anything else
by ABDU.SAFI9191    
Any Facebook job
by CallofdutyRob    
I will make over 100 facebook posts and more than 200 tweets for you
by eddy5000    
Comment and like your Facebook page daily
by fentie    
Set up facebook account and manage your account per hour
by michaeldavid2014    
Be Your Social Media Manager
by mslay60    
Create a Fan Page for your Business & Drive Traffic to it
by kathyg    
Create and Manage your facebook and attract a positive audience
by gabrielmatos    
Create A Professional Facebook Banner
Draw you a Simpson’s character for your Facebook page
by JeffreyWicks    
Be your social media manager
by PatriciaS    
Social Media Manager
by viziis    
by Keione    
i’ll post 50 comments per day to your facebook page for 1 a very unique price.
by contragtm