Latest Posted Jobs in Facebook
Post your product on my facebook
by madheadt    
Post interesting content about food on your facebook/twitter page
by Nesa    
Set up your facebook account in 3 hours
by florin.dan    
Create a cool facebook profile pic and iconfor your Fanpage
by tracyolivia    
Create a Facebook account
Create a fan page for your business on Facebook
by Eularice42    
Create an eye-catching fan page for your company
by krestinaromero    
Set up your Facebook account.
by SocMediaLady    
Get you 50 likes and followers from real ppl.
by johnikcaples    
Manage your facebook for a week
by velvet    
Manage your facebook account and reply to comments and messages on your behalf
by Ravishta    
Create and manage your Facebook account in order to grow your business
Get your FB page 5 Likes from your target audience
by ChicGeek    
Create a Facebook fan page for a sports team
by jdhouston    
Create any social media account. GREAT DEAL**
by kalrich33    
Manage your current  Facebook business page
by carimp    
Manage your Facebook page
by 559SocialMedia    
Do anything from managing accounts to getting followers and will consider price change if need be!
Create facebook and twitter account
Set up a Facebook Competition for your Business page to Increase your Likes
by EmSocial