Latest Posted Jobs in Facebook
Be a social media manager and create your page
by glorimar    
Create your facebook page
by LaurenM91    
Management Facebook and Twitter and YouTube in the Arab world
Moderate your business Facebook account
by kingjama32    
Manage facebook account
by gsalaices    
I will share your video everyday.
by sarah    
SOcial Media Manager
by jmhsocialmedia    
Create an account for your company
by nawfal87    
Set up or manage facebook pages
by pilavakis23    
Create a youtube, linkedin, pinterest and twitter account
by onacanady    
Create a facebook account associated with facebook business page for your business
by Khmerbridge    
Create a Facebook or/and Twitter profile and if you like get you not less than 100 followers or/and likes
by richmond8808    
Create your facebook acount in 2 hours
by ArmandoGuerraA    
Create a facebook page and manage it for two weeks
by Errickankhlo    
Give you a EXTREME OFFER – 1000 Real Facebook likes for 30$
by ishanfar    
Add 500 likes to your page
by NadiahJaapar    
Create Facebook Fan page and profile for your busineess page or official page
by adhil    
Manage your face book for an hours
by adhil    
MAKE 20 or more LIKES for your ads in your facebook account  in just 1 day
by ADDMOND    
Create your personal Facebook, youtube, twitter business page , get likes and promote your business on Facebook by posting photos and keeping track of posts
by MedieJeka