Latest Posted Jobs in Facebook
facebook profiles
by nei94    
Social Media Manager.
by mwoods31    
Social Media Manager
by violetbidds83    
Help you get 50 more likes on your Facebook
by Shireepage    
Create a Facebook Account and Fan Page
by venuramanuja    
Can assist with checking that the correct people are tagged in the photo
Manage your facebook account, post comments and promote
by AnaLaz    
Get you 100 likes on your facebook fan page and 100 new  freinds on facebook within 48hours ~(EXPRESS JOB)
by Leon.mwansa    
Give you 350+ guarenteed Facebook, Facebook likes/fans in 24 hour
by adiestree    
Create a Facebook account
by danemassey    
Give you 7 000 facebook likes
by Lily    
Setup a facebook and twitter account for your business
by MelanieTaljaard    
Create your Facebook, Twitter and Pintrest Accounts
by Manuellavic    
Create a Facebook Fan Page
by KashifWarren    
Create a page for you on Facebook
by JayUK    
Create a blog to compliment your Facebook forum.
by BULL@rbpromos    
Work with you for a week to give you visibility using Facebook
by PrismMediaMark    
Set up your Facebook account.
by SocMediaLady    
LOOK NO FURTHER! i will manage all of your social sites
by johnikcaples    
Create and maintain a Facebook page
by velvet