Latest Posted Jobs in Facebook
Make you a facebook site for your business and definetly get you 30 likes
by RosnyTruong    
Be your social media manager
by jdwilliams9532    
Make a Facebook Fan Page and Get 1000 Likes!
by kire18    
Post your adds in face book
by srinivas    
Design a professional Facebook Fan Page cover image and profile icon
by ohrum9802    
Set up a Facebook account and monitor it for one week
I will do a real WHITEBOARD animation video in stop motion for your business, and you could post it on your Facebook Fanpage.
by JeffreyWicks    
Set up facebook group page to notice your business
by damwon817    
I will give you 100 facebook likes within 48 hours
by Manfred1816    
Realizzazione e Manutenzione pagine facebook secondo un progetto marketing – Implementation and Maintenance facebook pages according to a marketing plan
by cesaretajana    
I will help you advertise your products on Facebook or any other social media sites. Let me help you attract more costumers by this means.
by Keirven27    
Create a linkedin, twitter, facebook account
by mirela1987    
by Marketing666    
Manage, Monitor and Report Activities back to You on Everything about your Facebook Business Page, for a 15 Day Period
by @thiene    
Set up your Facebook account and manage it for 15 days for $60.00
by venkata84    
Create accounts, upload images,and design you facebook page. I will try to help you in all sort of area.
by sunny6931    
Create your Facebook page and generate over 100 likes in 1 day
Post 3-4 times a day to your Facebook Timeline for two weeks
by MattKring    
Create and manage your facebook account and youtube account nicely and perfectly
by ljfermin    
Post your product on my facebook
by madheadt