Latest Posted Jobs in Facebook
moderate a facebook account for $10 by WRusiat
by WRusiat    
Create/Develop Your Facebook pages/posts for 2 weeks
by niuonis    
create a bussines facebook account for you
by jeffryaju    
Create a Facebook profile and get hundreds to like page
by marcel11    
I will set up your facebook account and manage it for one week
by thepatient1    
Create a top-level facebook and Twitter profile for your business and manage for the 1st month
by teeblue    
Train your social media team
by msamy    
Set up a Facebook page for your business to grow
by merashidalikt    
Create and mange your facebook page 3 hours
by Thepurplequeen    
Create your Fan Page, and get you 1,000 LIKES, OR Create your Twitter, and Tweet up to 1,000 Tweets per day, for $200
by montria    
Manage your facebook account for 4hrs
Give you 100 likes, posts and comment.
by BUZKAN    
Add ur bussnes page on facebook
by bigmoney    
I will Manage your Facebook account
by rangankumar    
Create and manage a Facebook account for your company
by HarryHeap    
I will Create and manage a Facebook account for your company. for $60.00 per month
by Sunil    
Create a facebook account and fan page
by socialmedia890    
Create your page and maitain your popularity for week
by Nathalie85    
Create a Facebook account page advertising, manage, posting status 100 times, respond to customers, fun videos, get likes and followers as you want for your business, to let people get to know your business even more better.
Manage you account for a month, comments, post, updates, replays, and more
by Chel378