All Posted Jobs
Get you 200 Facebook friends
by bbundy134    
by bcargill3    
I will CREATE a twitter account for you or your business
by Nbhanna    
Create and manage your business youtube and facebook page for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week only
Post status update for you 4 days a week
Create a complete facebook page
by ChristopherL.    
Set up twitter
by SedrickDPhillips    
Create your Facebook and Twitter Page for your Business
by sergiosm    
Do anything on facebook for $10 hr.
by computerwiz337    
Manage your twitter account and tweet 500 times
by simonpeter35    
Like and share your posts
by dimalenuta    
Create a linkedln account
by Masiguije635    
Get you 10 views and 10 likes on 30 videos
by kpatwari    
Create and manage a Facebook and twitter account for your business for a month.
by Liam123    
Post regular comments and likes for your you tube videos.
by frudolph    
Create a google plus page
by Kaseyc    
setup and manage a pinterest account
by kristalee30    
Create a twitter acount with 10,000 real followers already in it for you or your campany
by elmoperez    
Create a customized facebook page cover photo for your business
by estuaryPR    
by hanil1982