All Posted Jobs
Create and design a Facebook Page for your business
by noblealii    
Get Likes for your facebook page , make positive comment on post,  share post,  pictures, and  any promotion the company has active
by sardi_smith    
Manage  You Tube account
by RicardoChristie    
Create and manage a twitter business account
by V.J.Millenial    
Set-up you a youtube channel and upload two videos
by rsrikanth080    
Set-up your account in 6 SOCIAL NETWORKING sites and promote your product for a day
by rsrikanth080    
Manage your Facebook account per day
by rsrikanth080    
Give u a perfect strength building program with daily food recipes and motivational speeches and videos for 60 days
by Fizzrana    
Create a youtube account, manage it also post and remove unwanted comments also get followers and likes.
by dsglittergirl24    
Create new Facebook accounts and manage posts, likes everyday!
by yung4life    
Post supporting comments on your Google Plus Page
by kalioedwin    
by ADDMOND    
Set up your company’s blog
by GoodStart    
Create a Facebook account for your company and make it look professional
by nicollasgomes    
I will View all your videos and comment on each them for 10hrs
by rangankumar    
Generate a focused blog on the compilation of media platforms for product/business/company awarness
by BULL@rbpromos    
Watch all the videos on your YouTube and comment on/like all of them
by Salwa.s4m1    
subscribe to your youtube channel
by fonpao13    
I will Update your facebook account every day for $50.00
by Sunil