All Posted Jobs
Work with you for a week to give you visibility using Facebook
by PrismMediaMark    
I will post to your Facebook and Twitter account 3 times a week for 1 month
by sani84250    
Create a fun Twitter account for you.
by BretlyJSmith    
Make You A Facebook Fan Page And Get 500 Likes In 2 Days , I Will Talk English, Spanish ,French
by gracielagarcia    
View your You Tube videos, ‘Like’ the page and add a positive comment for each.
by luke04    
Create your page and maitain your popularity for week
by Nathalie85    
Create or manage your Facebook account  only
by Fedrek    
Create a facebook page with everything the you want me to put on it and professional wording.
Write Korean in your web page
by Ajax    
Set up Facebook account and get 20 friends
by Chel378    
Manage and create any media accounts
by bloodwolf12    
Send you up to 110 facebook timeline covers
by Irene    
Create your Facebook page
by cswain43    
Moderate your facebook fan page
by RickolaSymister    
Setup a business Twitter account for your business
by louishadawn    
Set up a Facebook Acount for you
by jhanammmm    
Get you 500 real, involved and business related followers GREAT DEAL
by kalrich33    
do any job on facebook , twitter, google just 25 per hour
by walaa1988    
Create and set up Google+ and Youtube accounts
by Marko112    
Give you access to my Graphic Creation Software
by DanEwah