All Posted Jobs
Tweet about your sevices and get your products and services known by my ever growing lists of followers for 1 week… here is my twitter handle (@oncie_obie)
by Oncie_obie    
Creating and maintaining Facebook and Twitter accounts in one language or extra in Swedish and English for $
by EmmaSwe    
Design professional grade Facebook Cover and Fangate Image
by DanEwah    
Manage your Facebook page
by dweldon    
I will Create and Manage Facebook and Twitter account for your Business ! Best Quality Work Guaranteed in Affordable Price *** for $45.00
by bebowassef    
Create a account for you and sell your products on Ebay for you.
by MKBAT    
I Will make you a Facebook page!
by ryancoll97    
Create an Instagram account for you business | I will also upload 5 pictures
by FrancisKD    
Post your link in different facebookgroups a whole hour
by sunnydays    
And can handle as little or as much of your social media campaign as fits your needs. This can range from simple Facebook campaign planning and execution to full-service social media management spanning all possible social platforms and even business blog management
by nawwarah    
Create account for pinterest facebook and twitter
by gpkish28    
Manage Your Social Media Page
by mslay60    
Create three social media pages for your business
by jpalmer865    
Set up your Pinterest account, create 5 boards and 50 Pins in One week
by Gavin99    
Be your social media manager
by PatriciaS    
Tweet about your business everyday, new daily updates
by alejandrapanda86    
I will upload vidoes and attract viewers for you
by JuliusDaniel    
Post comments on your facebook page
by sandrab    
I will give you 25 squidoo like, also for an extra $20 i will give you 25 comments to be put on your lens.
by JeffreyWicks    
I will do a real WHITEBOARD animation video in stop motion for your business, and you could post it on your Facebook Fanpage.
by JeffreyWicks