All Posted Jobs
Create you a twitter account, build an audience of 50 followers that relate to your expertise.
by kalrich33    
Upload Youtube Videos
by TarnSilvia    
Create and customize profiles, pages and facebook groups
by DonCafe    
Any Facebook job
by CallofdutyRob    
Do Any jobs on Hub pages
by prem    
Update your Facebook status as often as you like, comment on posts and like other posts, upload images, etc. for a week for this price
by bebowassef    
Create and manage Facebook, Twitter etc.
Create and post 80 comment on your twitter Account
by michaeldavid2014    
Manage your Google+ Plus Account
by amcmath    
Share your facebook online and increase your audience with in days
by agatha.dxb    
Comment on your profile and or video !
by Tomairangi    
Manage pinterest, facebook and twitter account
by gpkish28    
Create and Manage your facebook and attract a positive audience
by gabrielmatos    
Create u r facebook account
by srinivas    
I will set up WordPress Blog, create 8 Posts in Chinese and 30 Social Media Links to promote your products or service in booming China market and demand in 10 days
by Gavin99    
Record a professional voice over up to 60 seconds in length
by JeffreyWicks    
Create an awsome facebook page for you
by Jrkesner    
Manage your facebook account for you
by JuliusDaniel    
Put your LOGO inside a puzzle stopmotion video for you to put on your Facebook Fanpage
by JeffreyWicks    
Promote on twitter
by Halimovic