All Posted Jobs
Create a fan page for your business on Facebook
by Eularice42    
Write a unique professional review with link to your website and post it on EzineArticles
by PrismMediaMark    
Create and manage your business’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts monthly
by AustinMRising    
Create a page on Facebook
by BretlyJSmith    
I will Moderate comments on your business YouTube account for 1 month
by gracielagarcia    
Manage your FACEBOOK account
by Vanessa    
I wiill create a facebook,get you likes,and put on facebook ….
by Nathalie85    
Upload all of your videos to youtube
by TerrellThomas    
Make a Facebook and Twitter page and other social media websites according to target market
by socialconnect    
Create a Facebook or YouTube page
by ChristopherL.    
Manage Trip Advisor for you
by sschuhardt4    
Manage and create any media accounts
by bloodwolf12    
by Irene    
Set up your Twitter page and get you 30 followers
by cswain43    
Create a Google plus account for your business plus manage your circles per week
by socialmedia890    
Create a Facebook fan page for a sports team
by jdhouston    
Post status updates for your company every day
by LMA1986    
Create you a twitter account, build an audience of 50 followers that relate to your expertise.
by kalrich33    
Upload Youtube Videos
by TarnSilvia    
Create and customize profiles, pages and facebook groups
by DonCafe