All Posted Jobs
set up and run 6 social sites link your website and drive profiled customers directly to you ,,, regardless to location or product .. this would need to be a min of 6 month contract ,, pice to be discussed ,,,, I have a marketing and sales back ground so I know whats you want PROFIT
by market2market    
I will create a unique twitter account for your business only
by csordan    
Tweet for you ALL DAY, 7 days per week
by montria    
I will add 6000+ permanant Staying twitter followers
Manage your facebook account for a hour
by rsrikanth080    
Comment on your Youtube Videos for your business for 2 hours a day
by yung4life    
creat and account on linkedln.
by BUZKAN    
Manage with your Facebook page
by darster431    
Manage your Product Fan Page in a Facebook
by CloudOn    
Manage your twitter account and tweet on on your companies behalf
Create a blog to compliment your Facebook forum.
by BULL@rbpromos    
Post comments that promote your YouTube channel, business, and/or products on various youtube videos
by Salwa.s4m1    
Create and manage a Facebook account for your company
by HarryHeap    
Will share your facebook page and youtube videos 7 times per day each for 5 days
Tweet on your chosen subjects to encourage more tweets for you.
by workingforyou    
I will pin your website links of promotions and all products and services to my Facbook blog page for 3 days
Create for you google voice number
by slava73    
Help set up your account on facebook
by bigt525835    
Set up a facebook account
by nbryan94    
keep track of the comments or feedbacks in your Youtube account
by panoramicnose