All Posted Jobs
Get you 150 likes
by Errickankhlo    
I will manage your Facebook Account Daily
by adiestree    
reTWEET a message from your Twitter account to over 275k followers
by adiestree    
Create a personal or business Twitter page.
by SusanWalsh567    
I will setup a Twitter account
by adp1010    
Create and design a cover photo for your facebook accout
by Thepurplequeen    
Constantly manage your Facebook promoting your business
by csordan    
Create your Business’ Instagram account for you, and Manage it for you for $100
by montria    
Manage your Facebook profile  Each hour
by adhil    
Create a fan page for you and get 100 likes in 2 mins
by kkmckenzie30    
Get your Facebook profile set up for you!!
by ldeshane    
Create your twitter account to best represent your business or product
by nehpetsg    
by upgrade3    
Set up, post regular updates & reply to comments on Facebook
by gm2013    
Provide SEO editing on your website content
by AceSocialMedia    
Create a twitter account in your name
by goalgurrl    
Create a twitter account for your business
by Eularice42    
add 5 subscribers to your youtube channel
by fonpao13    
I will watch/comment (in Arabic)/like all of your videos on your youtube channel
by hadeel    
Manage Existing Facebook account for a daily fee
by BretlyJSmith