All Posted Jobs
Analysis the hot topics & subject on your facebook & Twitter weekly basis
by Romeh    
Make yor facebook page to increase less or more than 20 likes a day
Monitor and Manage
by 106jan    
I will create LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter profiles
by rafaelbishay    
Post 3-4 times a day to your Facebook Timeline for one month
by MattKring    
Manage your facebook account, post comments and promote
by AnaLaz    
Create and manage  Facebook page for 2 days
by pramere1    
I will Create a top-level Twitter profile for your business and manage for the 1st month
by Dimitri_Brown    
I will comment,like,and share all your post on your youtube account
by nicole    
Create your LinkedIn Professional account
Set up a Facebook page for your business
by JosephRouzan    
Set up or create your facebook account according to how you want it, post Facebook statuses for you on daily basis, coment and share the content as how your desire.
by triciaajun    
Manage your facebook account, get likes, upload and comment on pictures and broaden your customer base  by updating statuses and advertising your product/services.
by danemassey    
Promote your Website Product ulrs etc to 50000+ people on facebook and twitter
by ANS744    
Post special offers
by HeathThornton    
Manage your Facebook account for 1 week
Create a fabulous Facebook profile
by amenezes    
Watch your you tube videos for 1 hour
Start a PINTEREST account for your business
by ambermjones    
I will update your facebook account
by FangamarValerie