All Posted Jobs
Create and or manage your facebook fan page
by mehdibazine    
Set up and/or manage your existing Facebook account
by bcasz67    
Create a facebook account
by cbmedia33    
Run your twitter account
by social1187    
Search Craigslist for any item or antique of your preference
by godfathergrandma    
I will make facebook fan page + promote it for one week!
by miwka    
Post 15 motivational quotes in your facebook account
by AMorales30    
Setup your Facebook account
by Gausu1983    
Create the perfect facebook business page
by Irene    
Teach you how you can increase your Klout score and improve your online influence
by msmir    
Setup your twitter page
by KingSocialMgt    
Create or manage your blog
by kristalee30    
Create facebook accounts
by torrent25    
Create a Pinterest account for your business and  develop 5 boards, each relevant to some aspect of your company’s undertaking.
by estuaryPR    
Create your LinkedIn profile
by CyndiWood    
I will Create a Facebook page for you
by speaker1992    
Create any brand facebook fan page for u and get 100 likes in 2 days and manage your fan page
by sunny143    
Comment On Facebook Pages And Invite 50 audience to the page.
by MJ    
Create and manage your Facebook account
by fentie    
Manage your youtube or  account for 20.00 a hour
by April4743