All Posted Jobs
Make 65 likes on facebook
by garteend    
Share and like your Facebook page
by fentie    
Telebridge: I will Create and Manage Facebook and Twitter account for your Business ! Best Quality Work Guaranteed in Affordable Price
by tonsamith    
Watch and comment on your YouTube videos
by Yonique    
Create a professional twitter account for your business and manage it or optimize and manage an existing account.
by simphiwe    
Post your individuel comments and promote your twitter page
by TaylorMade    
Create a Twitter account for you, manage it, and get you followers.
by BayAreaPimpin13    
Manage your twitter account and tweet over 100 times a day weekly
by jeffreyadolphe    
Design a proffessional header, banner, facebook timeline photo
by JeffreyWicks    
Add 100 views a day to your video for a whole month
by JeffreyWicks    
Post 3 Times A Day
Deliver 10,000 USA youtube views with high retention ‘
by JeffreyWicks    
Give you 6000 Youtube video views from Pakistan
by JeffreyWicks    
Set up a professional facebook page for your business or product and provide 4,000 real people likes to the page
by elmoperez    
Put your business logo and companies website address in the sky inside this clouds time lapse video footage. You can use this on your Facebook Fanpage
by JeffreyWicks    
I will Make you a Youtube acoount and watch your first video and also write possitive comments on it
by OscarJL    
I am you’r Social Media Manager for Facebook
by foener    
Activate and Manage your Facebook account for one week promoting your business.
by Rowan344    
Manage your facebook account and promote your busniess or product.
by AMANJOT    
Make you an instagram! Instagram is the new facebook of photos!
by sarah