All Posted Jobs
Manage your twitter account
by FangamarValerie    
I will create a Twitter Account
by KashifWarren    
Create a New Google Plus account
by kalioedwin    
Create and setup a facebook account
by tim7    
Manage your Facebook account
by The1    
Make your profile
by Alydoll    
create a facebook page and get you 60 likes under 3 days
Create a fan page and get 50 likes in 2 days
by motivation-93    
Create a Facebook fan page for your business in 3 days
by Chanty0829    
Build you an Facebook Fan Page and get you 150 likes or More
LOOK NO FURTHER! i will manage all of your social sites
by johnikcaples    
I will create and manage a pinterest account for your business for a hourly rate of
by socialmedia890    
Manage your facebook for a week
by velvet    
Assist you to create a strong and quality presence, as no credible business can afford to be without strong marketing and social media representation. Be recognized. I will create a Facebook and Twitter page as well as manage them, post pics, comments, statuses, respond to customers, get “Likes” and “Followers,” etc.
by penj01    
Create a Facebook fan page, promote your business and posting 300 times, get likes and followers for a week
Set up your Twitter account
by smsavvy    
Pay you 10$ apter 2 days
by commissions    
Provide the services for each Social Media consultantion in Facebook, You Tube and other platforms like Twitter
by sos_platforms    
Give you 3 differrent tweet adder software  keys
by elmoperez    
Manage your facebook page (per day)
by barshani